EP064 – Zombie Strippers (A Jeff Larkin Tribute)


This show is dedicated to my dear friend Jeff Larkin who unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack at 52. Jeff was the best kind of friend you could have; tough love when you needed a kick in the pants, kindness when you were in pain and fiercely loyal. His laughter was infectious even if his jokes were terrible. He loved and was loved and will be missed. God bless his family and all he touched.

Jeff was part of the original crew of GBBMN when it was just me hosting movie parties in my basement. Zombie Strippers was one of his favorite that we had the misfortune to watch. This show is for you my friend.


Kathleen is jealous of my crazy six-minute synopsis skills and refuses to give me a one minute countdown. Jerk face. I’ll show you.

Kathleen is blessed with participating in a game that not only peels the scabs of old wounds but also grosses out the whole cast. Thanks to Charlie and Nate for the bitchin’ suggestions.

I didn’t get to talk about Madame Blavatsky so I want to make quick mention of her weird life. In a nutshell, she was a Russian spiritualist that moved to the United States and started a cult called Theosophy in 1875.  It has been described as an esoteric religion sharing a boarder-line with occultism.
The Ska band Johnny Scoko sang a song on their debut album Oh! I DO Hope it’s Roast Beef called Madame Blavatsky which is where I first heard of her back in the mid-90s.


We find out that Dave was only a few credits away from being a philosophy major. I dare you to ask him about it.

Pete never got around to telling the strip club story involving he and Dave. I’ll have to put that story back in the pile for later.

Dave picked out some wonderful beer. Well, I say wonderful. They were certainly an experience.
Drekker Brewery’s Braaaaaaains Blackberryberry/Guava
Three Floyd’s Zombie Dust


Troy corrects Pete AGAIN about where in Indiana Three Floyd’s Brewery is located. I get it, Troy. It’s Munster, not Muncie.

Six-Pack Rating:
Troy: 4
Kathleen: 6 (no surprise)
Dave: 4
Pete: 4

Friends of the show promos
Monster Movie Stompdown

Don’t forget to check out all the great shows on the Give Me Back My Podcast Network.


Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP064 - Zombie Strippers (A Jeff Larkin Tribute)

EP063 – John Carpenter’s Vampires (1998)

We don’t cover action movies very often but Dave wanted to do this one and who are we to deny him? We had our first “straight” rating. Well it’s more of a straight than a full house. Get with the poker program, Kathleen.

We’re not sure if we’ve ever covered a film with a more unlikable cast.

Pete cut about 20 minutes of unfocused gobbledygook that had nothing to do with nothing and we still had a long episode. Sorry not sorry.

Thanks again to our friends at Perfect Pour for helping us pick out the tasty beers this month.

Beers of the month:
Nocterra Brewery‘s California Swell Line
Voodoo Brewery‘s Voodoo Love Child

Dave – 2
Pete – 3
Troy – 4
Kathleen – 5

Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP063 - John Carpenter's Vampires (1998)

EP062 – A*P*E

  • Our Five Year Anniversary rolls back the clock to the very first episode we recorded which is now “lost” to time. APE is a special kind of awful that is a hoot to watch in a group of like minded friends. Watching it alone is not recommended.
  • Pete is an idiot. MASH was not filmed in South Korea. Please don’t listen to him. He dumb.
  • What is happening here? Could the interweb be full of conflicting information? What’s the biggest Great White ever caught? 20ft? 36ft? If you can’t rely on the interweb than who can you trust?
  • Troy has threatened the entire cast by stating he may have found his birthday month movie; King Kung Fu. Dear listener we implore you, PLEASE reach out to Troy and get him to change his mind.
  • No joke. Bye Bye Monkey is real. And real bad.
  • Featured Breweries:

Again, thanks for listening for the last five years. Here’s to five more.

Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP062 - A*P*E

Episode 61 – Machete (2010)

Happy Cinco de Mayo to you. This year we deviate from or traditional weird luchador film and dive feet first into the ridiculous and bloody Machete.

Kathleen schools us all on how to say her maiden name correctly.

Featured Beers:
Trajo’s Cerveza Lager by the Lincoln Brewing company
Paradox Brewery Arno Palmer

Speaking of Danny Trejo, here’s that cookbook Pete was talking about.

Lemon Drop Hop is a song from the 60s we never got.

Our mixer is failing us so we’ll have new equipment next show.

We’re taking a personal day next month so there will not be a show in June. Come back in July to help us celebrate our FIVE year anniversary.

Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Episode 61 - Machete (2010)

EP060 – Mean Girls (2004)

We celebrate Kathleen’s faux-birthday with a very NOT bad movie…MEAN GIRLS! Lindsay Lohan battles the ultimate evil that is Rachel McAdams’ Regina George. And Troy finally discovers what the hell Kathleen has been talking about for the past 15 years as he at last watches the source of 95% of her movie quotes.

Featured Beers:

Urban Artifact – Kaleidoscope
Perennial Artisan Ales – Mental Fractions

6 Pack Rating:

  • Kathleen – 0
  • Troy – 1
  • Pete – 1
  • Dave – 1
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP060 - Mean Girls (2004)

EP059 – Wild Wild West (1999)

Dave continues his streak of choosing yet another of the most reviled movies in the history of Good Beer Bad Movie Night. Earning a rare rating of sixes across the board– 1999’s Wild Wild West earned the absolute lowest possible score, generally reserved for movies which are staggeringly, insultingly bad.

Featured Beer:

6-Pack Rating:

  • Dave: 6
  • Troy: 6
  • Kathleen 6
  • Pete: 6

Don’t forget to check out the other shows over on the Give Me Back My Podcast Network.

Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP059 - Wild Wild West (1999)

EP058 – Maximum Overdrive (1986)

Pete had high hopes for this film. It seemed to have all the makings for a great “bad movie” but it turned out to be a boring dud with dodgy rules. Shockingly, Kathleen and Pete see eye to eye on this film.

Pete needs to learn the difference between cellulite and celluloid. Ya dummy.

I made a “Herman’s Head” reference and asked our younger listeners to ask their parents about it but now that I think about it, I should have told them to ask their GRANDPARENTS about that show. In other words, my references continue to get older and older. Thank goodness I stay the same age.

Dave tries a new fad where you snort beer instead of drinking it or maybe he just did it by accident. Either way it’s not recommended.

“Coked-off-you-tits” is now trademarked by GBBMN c/o Fifty Foot Brewing; LLC.

Don’t forget to check out the other shows over on the Give Me Back My Podcast Network.

Featured beer:
Maine Beer Brewing Company: Lunch
Wolf’s Ridge: All the Breakfast

6-Pack Rating:
Dave – 2
Troy – 0
Kathleen and Pete – 4

Featured podcasts:
Orphaned Entertainment
Give Me Back My Action Movies

Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP058 - Maximum Overdrive (1986)

EP057 -Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell (2018)

Otherwise entitled “Tremors in the snow” by Kathleen. She’s not wrong.

Pete’s under the weather and sounds like a muppet. That said it seems that we had some unexpected technical issues from the recording. One of these days we’ll grow up and become a REAL podcast.

Somehow there are 7 Tremors movies. Baffling and wonderful all at the same time.

The boys set up a game for Kathleen and that she proceeded to ace disappointing Pete who thought he was so clever. Try again loser.

Congratulations to Dan and Brennon for 10 flipping years of Corrupted Youth Podcast. Go check out this father and son duo.

– Kathleen: 5
-Troy, Pete and Dave: 4

Don’t forget to check out the other shows on the Give Me Back my Podcast Network. Sludgecast\Monster Movie Stompdown, Give me Back my Action Movies, Give me Back my Horror Movies and the upcoming Give me Back my Pro Wrestling.

Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP057 -Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell (2018)

EP056 – It’s Christmas, Eve. (The Hallmark Holiday Mutiny.)

Kathleen stages a mutiny and restores the Good Beer Bad Movie Night tradition of watching a crappy Hallmark Holiday movie instead the promised Tremors: Cold Day in Hell. Not only did she kick me off the show for an episode she made me edit the damn thing as well. Merry freaking Christmas to me.

I apologize for the sound quality but this is what you get when a bunch of armatures take over.

If you listen to the outtakes it has become painfully clear that Kathleen does not listen to her own podcast as she thinks our shows are “30-40 minutes and sometimes we push an hour.”

Glogg is a real thing! Here’s a recipe.

Featured drinks:

  • Drunken Rudolf; Hot Coco, Baileys Fireball Cinnamon Whisky, Ice Cream, Whip Cream, Cherry, Rosemary
  • Grinch Punch: Green Hawaiian Punch, Sprite, (Optional: choice of booze)

Personally, I’m very disappointed Kathleen didn’t break out the Hallmark Holiday Bingo Cards.

Thanks for listening. Have a safe and Happy Holiday.

Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP056 - It's Christmas, Eve. (The Hallmark Holiday Mutiny.)