- Happy New Year, listener, welcome to 2023. The question for our first episode of the year is, Has Pete picked the most perfect movie for GBBMN? Does this movie completely embody the the essence and the spirit of GBBMN? Has Kathleen reached a new level of loathing for the show and more specifically Pete for selecting this film? Was it worst than “The Swarm?” These questions and more will all be answered.
- Pete is still the Six minute synapsis. Can he keep his record perfect?
- Speaking of the Six Minute Synapsis, the best joke of the bit is lost when the cast thinks the mention of “PE” is for physical education and not premature ejaculation. There’s a damn good joke down the drain.
- Getting stuck in the Denver International gave Pete PTSD but we tried to make the best of it by poking fun of Southwest Airlines. Assholes.
- Not wiping down gym equipment after your sweaty ass is done with it is an affront to god. Please wipe down the machines, you mongoloid.
- Inspired by the health spa, Kathleen brought the boys some genuine Spa Eye Patches. Check Facebook and Instagram to see how ridiculous the boys look.
- Pete needs to turn in his pulp fiction membership card. Tarzan was NOT created by Robert E. Howard but rather Edgar Rice Burroughs. Pete is a dummy.
- The cast made some new friends and hope you head over to listen to their show.
- Featured Beers:
- Six-Pack Rating
- Kathleen: 5
- Pete: 1
- Troy: 1
- Dave: 1

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