This month, GBBMN swapped movies with Steven and Leo over at Spoils of Horror podcast. Kathleen was terrified that I had selected something for SoH to watch and the return movie was revenge for giving them such a stinker. Not so. It was an even exchange with neither of us having seen the selection.
Pete starts the night out with a Six Minute Synopsis by getting almost everyone’s name incorrect. He still gets it done in the time allotted but is that really a victory?
Kathleen and Troy teamed up and came up with an amazing way to fix the film. Let us know what you think.
Snorting tequila is not a recommended way to get your drink on.
Next month, Steven and Leo over at Spoils of Horror have agreed to swap movies with us. They selected They’re Watching for us and I tossed the J-Horror gem Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell. We’ll see if they ever speak to me again. Both films are on Tubi in case you want to play along at home.
Kathleen has decided to celebrate her half-birthday by finally giving into Troy’s constant nagging to watch Quigley Down Under. As usual, he had a vague sense of once really liking this movie, once upon a time. Mind like a steel trap, our Troy.
It turns out to be a pretty damn good western that takes place in Australia with surprisingly few actual Australians in the cast. (Except for the Aborigines, who do almost no talking)
Plus, we have a visit from a secret guest! Here’s a hint. How can we get a visit from a surprise guest, but everyone on the episode is a member of the Good Beer Bad Movie Night podcast? Hmmm?
For Dave’s stupid birthday he dug deep into his childhood to remind us all that The Beastmaster still exists, and your lives are meaningless without it. This time we are joined by the incomparable Millie, who voices her unflattering opinion of one of Dave’s childhood favorites.
We sat down with Jordan McLaughlin; the creator of the amazing card game Don’t Get Stabbed. We talk about how he got started, where he’s going and of course what kind of beer he likes. We employed super-fan James to help us talk nerd with Jordan.
Pete’s wife, Jodi, used her powers of persuasion to get the cast to watch this turd. While not the worst thing we’ve every reviewed, Jodi is no longer allowed to pick movies, no matter how sick she is.
This is two shows in a row that Pete has FAILED the Six Minute Synapses time limit. He is worthless and weak. Be better, dummy.
Troy has asked the listeners to send the cast beer suggestions. If you have a favorite we will do our best to find it. Getting small craft selections can prove impossible but give us what you got and we will try our very best.
If you want to learn more about the atrocities of King Leopold in the Congo HERE it is in a nutshell. Not a happy video.
Pete got the term Free Rise Fermentation completely wrong. It has nothing to do with wild yeast fermentation but rather allowing the to warm up gradually through the natural exothermic chemical reaction instead of artificially increasing the temperature of the wert to encourage the yeast to begin fermentation. Tune in next month for more of quality GBBMN Edu-tainment.
He doesn’t know it yet but when we finally set up the GBBMN Patreon our highest tier is going to be a video of Troy and his bow legs, high stepping in his high school marching band.
Pete, again, fails to comprehend how time works and forgot that he and Troy were already on the live stream of the movie Crabs! Head over to YouTube for a review of this amazing indie movie.
Congratulations to our friends Dan and Brennon over at the Corrupted Youth Podcast for hitting six years. Keep it coming guys. I’ll see you at the summer conventions.
Happy New Year, listener, welcome to 2023. The question for our first episode of the year is, Has Pete picked the most perfect movie for GBBMN? Does this movie completely embody the the essence and the spirit of GBBMN? Has Kathleen reached a new level of loathing for the show and more specifically Pete for selecting this film? Was it worst than “The Swarm?” These questions and more will all be answered.
Pete is still the Six minute synapsis. Can he keep his record perfect?
Speaking of the Six Minute Synapsis, the best joke of the bit is lost when the cast thinks the mention of “PE” is for physical education and not premature ejaculation. There’s a damn good joke down the drain.
Getting stuck in the Denver International gave Pete PTSD but we tried to make the best of it by poking fun of Southwest Airlines. Assholes.
Not wiping down gym equipment after your sweaty ass is done with it is an affront to god. Please wipe down the machines, you mongoloid.
Inspired by the health spa, Kathleen brought the boys some genuine Spa Eye Patches. Check Facebook and Instagram to see how ridiculous the boys look.
Pete needs to turn in his pulp fiction membership card. Tarzan was NOT created by Robert E. Howard but rather Edgar Rice Burroughs. Pete is a dummy.
The cast made some new friends and hope you head over to listen to their show.
Departing from our tradition of reviewing a Hallmark/Lifetime Christmas movie during the holiday season, the GBBMN cast reviews Anna and the Apocalypse. Knowing Pete is not a fan of musicals or zombie movies, naturally Kathleen chose a zombie musical.
We’re joined this episode by special guests Katie, Jodi, and Donna.
The Six Pack Ratings were all over the place this time, so check out the movie! Or not!
This movie sucked the life out of the cast. Nate from Give Me Back My Horror Movies is to blame and he WILL live to regret it.
If you haven’t surmised by now, Pete is an idiot. Columbus Brewing Company was started in 1988 and NOT 1998. Pete is a dummy.
I am a firm believer of individuality and a strong supporter of “liking what you like,” but fans of this film should seriously seek medical attention. Kathleen summed it up perfectly saying it was both gross and boring.