This month, GBBMN swapped movies with Steven and Leo over at Spoils of Horror podcast. Kathleen was terrified that I had selected something for SoH to watch and the return movie was revenge for giving them such a stinker. Not so. It was an even exchange with neither of us having seen the selection.
Pete starts the night out with a Six Minute Synopsis by getting almost everyone’s name incorrect. He still gets it done in the time allotted but is that really a victory?
Kathleen and Troy teamed up and came up with an amazing way to fix the film. Let us know what you think.
Snorting tequila is not a recommended way to get your drink on.
Charlie over at Give Me Back My Action / Horror movies has had a profound effect on Troy.
The Cast learned what the word “misophobia” means. Sorry. It’s gross.
We use the “scientific” formula that the Found Footage Fool exercises on the films he watches. Go give him a listen.
Featured beer:
– Little Fish Brewery’s Lay & Love
– Ellicottville Brewery Mow Master
Six-Pack rating:
– Troy: 2
– Dave: 4
-Kathleen: 4
-Pete: 4