For the first time in my life, alcohol has failed me. That’s not really true but the first time I watched BHC I was three margaritas in and it hit that funny bone just right. Did the movie hold up to a more sober mindset? Tune in and see…or hear…whatever. You know what I mean.
Pete’s musical hero, Pat Daily, would be proud (maybe?) of the rendition of “Tell Them You’re From Ohio (Key West version)” off his album “Live and Kickin’.” Pat is no longer with us but my memories and his music will live on inside me forever. I dearly miss that man.
WOW! Troy REALLY hates this movie and he makes a great argument for his vitriol. Pete says this is a kaiju movie as argues the tornado has some sort of sentience. Dave’s wife Donna joins us for a rollercoaster conversation not to be missed.
Charlie and Nate from Give Me Back My Action and Horror Movies join us. Pete and Troy have been moonlighting over on their podcast and we finally got them on our show. Six podcast hosts = chaos. Enjoy.
We got a fun Millie report from Kathleen. She’s always good for a great laugh.
I need everyone to find your best Twister movie memes and start sending them to Troy. It’s a trigger for him and since I doubt he will read this it’ll be a great joke. Troy HATES Twister and about 20 minutes into the recording he bonks his computer when Dave mention the film causing Troy’s recording to stop. We got it back up and running but there’s a hard cut.
Charlie visited Katbird’s Wine and Gourmet Shoppe in Abington, Va to pick up his beer since Pete is a dumbass. If you’re in the area check them out.
Nate has been described as having boarder collie energy. You be the judge.
Featured beer: I have to give Charlie credit for coining the phrase, “Not all the movies are bad and not every beer is good.” This month is a great example of how true a statement can be. Nate hated one of my most favorite beers ever which just proves “you like what you like” and I’m not here to tell you that you’re wrong.
Six pack rating: Dave – 3 Kathleen – 3 Troy – 3 Pete – 4 Charlie – 1 Nate – 2
Thanks to Zencaster for making this episode possible. If you want an easy to use podcasting app for remote recordings, this is your app. Please go check them out.
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP075 - Speed 2 (1997) with Give Me Back My Action Movies
It’s July and we dive into an amazing independent film written and directed by Pierce Berolzheimer; CRABS! This is a huge recommend so go buy yourself a copy.
This episode descended into madness rather quickly at the end. Clearly it’s the beer’s fault.
Super Fan Jen was joining us from out of town and off mic, except when she wanted to participate which the mic never really caught well enough to hear her comments. Thanks, Jen, for making this one of the most difficult episodes to edit. You’re on the list.
This month, GBBMN swapped movies with Steven and Leo over at Spoils of Horror podcast. Kathleen was terrified that I had selected something for SoH to watch and the return movie was revenge for giving them such a stinker. Not so. It was an even exchange with neither of us having seen the selection.
Pete starts the night out with a Six Minute Synopsis by getting almost everyone’s name incorrect. He still gets it done in the time allotted but is that really a victory?
Kathleen and Troy teamed up and came up with an amazing way to fix the film. Let us know what you think.
Snorting tequila is not a recommended way to get your drink on.
Pete’s wife, Jodi, used her powers of persuasion to get the cast to watch this turd. While not the worst thing we’ve every reviewed, Jodi is no longer allowed to pick movies, no matter how sick she is.
This is two shows in a row that Pete has FAILED the Six Minute Synapses time limit. He is worthless and weak. Be better, dummy.
Troy has asked the listeners to send the cast beer suggestions. If you have a favorite we will do our best to find it. Getting small craft selections can prove impossible but give us what you got and we will try our very best.
If you want to learn more about the atrocities of King Leopold in the Congo HERE it is in a nutshell. Not a happy video.
Pete got the term Free Rise Fermentation completely wrong. It has nothing to do with wild yeast fermentation but rather allowing the to warm up gradually through the natural exothermic chemical reaction instead of artificially increasing the temperature of the wert to encourage the yeast to begin fermentation. Tune in next month for more of quality GBBMN Edu-tainment.
He doesn’t know it yet but when we finally set up the GBBMN Patreon our highest tier is going to be a video of Troy and his bow legs, high stepping in his high school marching band.
Pete, again, fails to comprehend how time works and forgot that he and Troy were already on the live stream of the movie Crabs! Head over to YouTube for a review of this amazing indie movie.
Congratulations to our friends Dan and Brennon over at the Corrupted Youth Podcast for hitting six years. Keep it coming guys. I’ll see you at the summer conventions.
This movie sucked the life out of the cast. Nate from Give Me Back My Horror Movies is to blame and he WILL live to regret it.
If you haven’t surmised by now, Pete is an idiot. Columbus Brewing Company was started in 1988 and NOT 1998. Pete is a dummy.
I am a firm believer of individuality and a strong supporter of “liking what you like,” but fans of this film should seriously seek medical attention. Kathleen summed it up perfectly saying it was both gross and boring.
Pete had high hopes for this film. It seemed to have all the makings for a great “bad movie” but it turned out to be a boring dud with dodgy rules. Shockingly, Kathleen and Pete see eye to eye on this film.
Pete needs to learn the difference between cellulite and celluloid. Ya dummy.
I made a “Herman’s Head” reference and asked our younger listeners to ask their parents about it but now that I think about it, I should have told them to ask their GRANDPARENTS about that show. In other words, my references continue to get older and older. Thank goodness I stay the same age.
Dave tries a new fad where you snort beer instead of drinking it or maybe he just did it by accident. Either way it’s not recommended.
“Coked-off-you-tits” is now trademarked by GBBMN c/o Fifty Foot Brewing; LLC.
Otherwise entitled “Tremors in the snow” by Kathleen. She’s not wrong.
Pete’s under the weather and sounds like a muppet. That said it seems that we had some unexpected technical issues from the recording. One of these days we’ll grow up and become a REAL podcast.
Somehow there are 7 Tremors movies. Baffling and wonderful all at the same time.
The boys set up a game for Kathleen and that she proceeded to ace disappointing Pete who thought he was so clever. Try again loser.
Congratulations to Dan and Brennon for 10 flipping years of Corrupted Youth Podcast. Go check out this father and son duo.