EP071 – Quigley Down Under (1990)

Kathleen has decided to celebrate her half-birthday by finally giving into Troy’s constant nagging to watch Quigley Down Under. As usual, he had a vague sense of once really liking this movie, once upon a time. Mind like a steel trap, our Troy.

It turns out to be a pretty damn good western that takes place in Australia with surprisingly few actual Australians in the cast. (Except for the Aborigines, who do almost no talking)

Plus, we have a visit from a secret guest! Here’s a hint. How can we get a visit from a surprise guest, but everyone on the episode is a member of the Good Beer Bad Movie Night podcast? Hmmm?

Featured Beers

Six Pack Ratings:

  • Kathleen: 2 beers
  • Dave: 2 beers
  • Troy: 1 beer
  • Pete: 2 weird beers with a high ABV
  • Secret Guest: 2 beers
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP071 - Quigley Down Under (1990)