EP048 – Grizzly (1976)

Grizzly is a bonkers Jaws rip-off that wasn’t as horrible as you might think it would be. My guess is that Pete’s entertaining 6-minute synopsis may have softened the casts view.

The cast throws up a little in their collective mouths after reminiscing about our poor choices of college beers. “Anything Ice. blech” – Troy

Dave introduces the world to the game, “Fizz-Ball” and Pete introduces the world to the game, “Six Degrees to Godzilla.”

Kathleen is starting a Kickstarter to bring back the old-timey phrase, “Up Yours!”

Question of the show: Is Dave a cannibal? If not than how does he know what people taste like?

The second beer we sampled gave the entire cast a case of unexpected sound effects.

Featured Beers:
– In lieu of having Schlitz we tried Stroh’s.
– Sour Monkey from Victory Brewing (ooh!)

6-Pack Rating:
Dave – 1
Troy – 3
Kathleen – 3
Pete – 2

Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP048 - Grizzly (1976)