Highlights from Episode 13
- Watch the film on Youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB2THkkKigU
- Make sure to send in feedback and make fun of Pete screwing up all the Spanish names.
- Our hero, Eulalio González, had a long successful career as a norteño comedian. He’s still got it in this video from 1988. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N60tJMWQh-4
- Don’t forget to head over to the website and read Troy’s explanation of the Gheory. https://goodbeerbadmovienight.com/the-gheory/
- Troy completely lost his shit at Dave’s Uncle Finger reference and we had to cut about 5 minutes of Troy giggling.
- Central Ohio residents will do themselves a favor by visiting the Kenny Road Market or the Beer Mecca. https://www.facebook.com/KennyRoadMarket/
- Uk, Tagual and Carasus toys can be found over at the Monsters in Motion website. https://www.monstersinmotion.com/cart/index.php?main_page=advanced_search_result&search_in_description=0&x=0&y=0&keyword=ship+of+monsters
- Editing…all the editing….

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