EP094 – Commando (1985)

Commando 1985

In a controversial move, for his birthday month Dave selected the much beloved action classic Commando (1985), starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rae Dawn Chong, and Alyssa Milano.

When we choose popular, well-liked movies someone always says “hey, I love that one!” or “hey screw you, that’s a good movie!” or “IF YOU REVIEW THAT MOVIE I’LL KILL YOU!” etc.

Of course, this leads us to our our most most frequently asked question: what do we at Good Beer Bad Movie night consider a “bad” movie? Well we’re not quite ready to answer that yet, but I can tell you one thing for certain: bad or not, we often actually quite like the movies we review. Is Commando among them? Listen and find out!

Beers of the month

As always, Dave chose some hilariously high-ABV beers, making for a rather spirited discussion.

3 Floyds Cimmerian Sabertooth Berzerker

ABV: 9% (woohoo!)

IBUs: 82 (woohoo?)

Sierra Nevada Narwhal Imperial Stout

  • ABV: 12.2% (this one did us in)
  • IBU: 60

6 Pack Rating

  • Pete: 4
  • Dave: 2
  • Troy: 2
  • Kathleen: 3
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP094 - Commando (1985)

EP092 – Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008)

Repo! The Genetic Opera Poster

Get ready for a toe-tapping musical extravaganza!
No. Not Repo The Genetic Opera. But maybe you could still catch Wicked in the theater?

The cast subject themselves to the twisted Rock Opera Repo! The Genetic Opera, and much fun was had. Mostly by Pete. The rest of us kind of suffered.

Though, I did get to learn about Anthony Head starring in a series of coffee commercials from when I was a kid, which I was unaware of. And I kind of enjoyed that?

I also learned WAY more about the evolution of skis than I ever thought I would know.

Wow. It seems that I learned a lot this episode. Not least of which, was that the true treasures in life are the friends that you meet along the way.

Unless they make you watch Hot Frosty. In which case, SCREW those guys. They are NOT your friends!

Beers of the Month

Six Pack Ratings

  • Pete: 0
  • Troy: 3
  • Kathleen: 3
  • Dave: 3
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP092 - Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008)

EP091 – Hot Frosty (2024)

After this “Hallmark” movie the cast might be done with these type of Holiday films for a looooong time, however we still had a fun conversation. Especially since Kathleen fired Dave for excessive penis jokes. He’s still sitting in the corner for his transgressions.

Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP091 - Hot Frosty (2024)

EP090 – Beverly Hills Chihuahua (2008)

For the first time in my life, alcohol has failed me. That’s not really true but the first time I watched BHC I was three margaritas in and it hit that funny bone just right. Did the movie hold up to a more sober mindset? Tune in and see…or hear…whatever. You know what I mean.

Pete’s musical hero, Pat Daily, would be proud (maybe?) of the rendition of “Tell Them You’re From Ohio (Key West version)” off his album “Live and Kickin’.” Pat is no longer with us but my memories and his music will live on inside me forever. I dearly miss that man.

Beers of the Month
Shacksbury Cider Sweater Weather
Streetside Brewery Who’s a Good Beer?

Six-Pack Rating
-Kathleen: 3
-Troy: 4
-Dave: 4
-Pete: 4

Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP090 - Beverly Hills Chihuahua (2008)

EP089 – Time Bandits (1981)

Time Bandits - 1981 - A giant walks towards an ominous castle wearing a boat on his head as a hat

It’s Troy’s Birthday! And to celebrate, he looks back to his childhood to relive one of the many 80’s movies that psychically scarred him. (What DOES Kevin do after this film ends?!)

Plus, on top of what is truly a fantastic movie, we sample what we are assured to be two very special beers, thanks to our friends at Perfect Pour:

Brasserie de Blaugies & Hill Farmstead Brewery – La Vermontoise
Three Floyd’s – Dismembers Only

Six-Pack Rating:
Troy – 0
Kathleen – 2
Dave – 1
Pete – 2

Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP089 - Time Bandits (1981)

EP88 – Event Horizon (feat Give Me Back My Horror/Action Movies from January 2022)

Our schedule was interrupted by a medical emergency in my family and we just couldn’t find a way to reschedule. I promise we will cover Valley of the Gwangi one of these days. I make no excuses or apologizes for missing what would have been our eight year anniversary show. Family always comes first and I thank you for understanding.

That said, Charlie and Nate from Give Me Back Our Action and Horror Movies sent me the show we did with them all the way back in January of 2022. Six podcasters trying to get a word in edgewise is chaotic hilarity.

We will be back in October for Troy’s birthday pick Time Bandits (1981). Smooches.

Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP88 - Event Horizon (feat Give Me Back My Horror/Action Movies from January 2022)

EP087 – Superman 78 v Man of Steel

This month we pit two movies up against one another to see if one is better than the other. It’s an experiment that has a clear outcome because who in their right mind would pick anything other than Superman 78 as the superior film. Dan and Brennon from The Corrupted Youth podcast stopped through Columbus and dropped off some beer for us to sample. Go check out Dan’s art at https://danbiesel.com/.

Next month is the start of our 8th year. If you have thoughts or questions to ask, you know how to get a hold of us.

Featured Beer
Asylum Ale Ambergeddon
Stubborn Brothers Brewery Drop Top

Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP087 - Superman 78 v Man of Steel

EP086 – Twister (1996)

WOW! Troy REALLY hates this movie and he makes a great argument for his vitriol. Pete says this is a kaiju movie as argues the tornado has some sort of sentience. Dave’s wife Donna joins us for a rollercoaster conversation not to be missed.

Beers of the Month:
Wolf’s Ridge Clear Sky
Butcher and The Brewer Disaster Transport

Six-Pack Rating:
Donna – 1
Dave – 3
Pete – 3
Kathleen – 3
Troy – 5

Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP086 - Twister (1996)

EP085 – Dick Tracy (1990)

Dick Tracy

You know, when I was typing “Dick Tracy” into my phone, trying to look up information on this stinker of a film, autocorrect changed the title to “Duck Tracy”. I think they should have made THAT film. It would surely have been better than this.

The gang obviously forgot to take their various medications this episode, becuase they are ALL OVER the place. Or maybe they just don’t want to talk about Dick Tracy. Anything is possible.

Six-Pace Rating:
Pete: 4 (and here I thought this was his least favorite movie of all time!)
Kathleen: 4
Troy: 4
Dave: 4

Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP085 - Dick Tracy (1990)

EP084 – Congo (1995)

Pete’s pretty rusty from his trip to Japan as Dave nails down the Six Minute Synopsis.

This episode may have the best fix for a movie we’ve ever come up with.

Six-Pace Rating:
Pete: 4
Kathleen: 3
Troy: 5
Dave: 4

Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
EP084 - Congo (1995)