Charlie and Nate from Give Me Back My Action and Horror Movies join us. Pete and Troy have been moonlighting over on their podcast and we finally got them on our show. Six podcast hosts = chaos. Enjoy.
We got a fun Millie report from Kathleen. She’s always good for a great laugh.
I need everyone to find your best Twister movie memes and start sending them to Troy. It’s a trigger for him and since I doubt he will read this it’ll be a great joke. Troy HATES Twister and about 20 minutes into the recording he bonks his computer when Dave mention the film causing Troy’s recording to stop. We got it back up and running but there’s a hard cut.
Charlie visited Katbird’s Wine and Gourmet Shoppe in Abington, Va to pick up his beer since Pete is a dumbass. If you’re in the area check them out.
Nate has been described as having boarder collie energy. You be the judge.
Featured beer:
I have to give Charlie credit for coining the phrase, “Not all the movies are bad and not every beer is good.” This month is a great example of how true a statement can be. Nate hated one of my most favorite beers ever which just proves “you like what you like” and I’m not here to tell you that you’re wrong.
Chimey Blue
Rogue Newport Daze
Lexington Brewing Kentucky Vanilla Barrel Cream Ale
Six pack rating:
Dave – 3
Kathleen – 3
Troy – 3
Pete – 4
Charlie – 1
Nate – 2
Thanks to Zencaster for making this episode possible. If you want an easy to use podcasting app for remote recordings, this is your app. Please go check them out.