It’s July and we dive into an amazing independent film written and directed by Pierce Berolzheimer; CRABS! This is a huge recommend so go buy yourself a copy.
This episode descended into madness rather quickly at the end. Clearly it’s the beer’s fault.
Super Fan Jen was joining us from out of town and off mic, except when she wanted to participate which the mic never really caught well enough to hear her comments. Thanks, Jen, for making this one of the most difficult episodes to edit. You’re on the list.
Featured Beer:
– Great Lakes Brewing Company: Ruby’s Revenge
– Columbus Brewing Company: Summer Teeth
Here’s some light reading for those of you interested in knowing more about the Kellerbier lager style.
Chekhov’s Blunt is a new thing that will be added to the show in a similar fashion as “For NANNA!.” Stick around for the outtakes.