- We celebrate Independence day by featuring an independent film maker, Joshua Kennedy.
- Huge props to Hoof Hearted Brewing for going above and beyond to get use our frosty adult beverages.
- This episode we sampled Hoof Hearted’s Musk of the Minotaur and Skittley Bittley Bop.
- Pete previewed one of the home brews he’s bringing to G-Fest in July; The Daiweizen.
- Troy and Dave can’t resist the David Lee Roth impersonations. For better or for worse. Mostly for worse.
- Pete came up with a new dessert called Banana’s Alaska. Beer is fun.
- After the six-pack rating, listen for details about the DVD giveaway . gbbmnpodcast@gmail.com
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- We got some listener feedback from down under! Check out our Australian sister cast’s latest episode on Soundcloud.

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