In a controversial move, for his birthday month Dave selected the much beloved action classic Commando (1985), starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rae Dawn Chong, and Alyssa Milano.
When we choose popular, well-liked movies someone always says “hey, I love that one!” or “hey screw you, that’s a good movie!” or “IF YOU REVIEW THAT MOVIE I’LL KILL YOU!” etc.
Of course, this leads us to our our most most frequently asked question: what do we at Good Beer Bad Movie night consider a “bad” movie? Well we’re not quite ready to answer that yet, but I can tell you one thing for certain: bad or not, we often actually quite like the movies we review. Is Commando among them? Listen and find out!
Beers of the month
As always, Dave chose some hilariously high-ABV beers, making for a rather spirited discussion.
3 Floyds Cimmerian Sabertooth Berzerker
ABV: 9% (woohoo!)
IBUs: 82 (woohoo?)
Sierra Nevada Narwhal Imperial Stout
- ABV: 12.2% (this one did us in)
- IBU: 60
6 Pack Rating
- Pete: 4
- Dave: 2
- Troy: 2
- Kathleen: 3