Highlights from the show
- Special Guest Host and Superfan Jen schools the cast with one for the best Six-Minute Synopsis the show has ever had. Clearly, Jen raises the bar for the show and make it way smarter than it was ever intended to be.
- However, in one swift move, Jen loses points by surprising the cast with beverages that aren’t what one would describe as beer.
- Star Watch: This film could be described as an Avengers prequel if you were from Bizzaro-World where the Earth is a cube.
- Jen learned words. Specifically ABV.
- Pete stayed relatively sober. Relative to what is still in question.
- Dave swore to take the cast down with his as he’s now on a quest to make us all suffer.
- Jen gave Tuff Turf a Six-Pack Rating of “Less Than Zero.” I see what you did there, Jen.

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